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Newport Ave. Market Honor Front-Line Heroes

Supermarket Employee Day

Celebrates Supermarket Employee Day – February 22, 2021

On February 22nd we are joining supermarkets and food manufacturers nationwide in celebrating the first-ever Supermarket Employee Day. FMI—The Food Industry Association, has proclaimed this new holiday to recognize employees at every level for the work they do feeding families and enriching lives.

With more than 40,000 individual stores that sell food and grocery items in the U.S. alone, supermarkets are the backbones of our communities. Millions of supermarket employees come to work daily to keep shelves stocked and to provide communities with essential services that help them survive and thrive.

Despite supply chain disruptions or work-force reductions, supermarket employees have demonstrated trojan efforts to keep communities going. Supermarket employees have personified compassion and courage when communities have most needed to be encouraged.

We invite all Central Oregonians to stop in one of our stores on February 22 to congratulate and thank local supermarket heroes. Better yet, honor your favorite heroes on your social media and use the hashtags, #SupermarketEmployeeDay and #SupermarketHeroes.

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