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Lower de Boom Barleywine

21st Amendment Brewery Lower de Boom Barleywine

21st Amendment Brewery's Lower de Boom Barleywine, a rich mahogany brew with notes of candied rock sugar, burnt currant, and fig.

21st Amendment Brewery Lower de Boom Barleywine

This beer, with its deep mahogany color, features rich malt notes accented by hints of candied rock sugar and sweet aromas of burnt currant and fig. Its strong alcohol content is balanced by crisp bitterness and complex flavors. This Barley Wine is named after Cornelius de Boom, who served as the San Francisco Belgian Consul General from 1850 to 1851. It shares a name with the alley next to the 21st Amendment on 2nd Street. ABV: 11.5%. Limited.

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