10-12% Mixed Fermentation Ale Brewed in Spruce Batch Vintage / Pour Chilled / Drink Slowly SAHATI is our interpretation of traditional Finnish sahti. Starting with a 200-year old Engelmann spruce tree felled on brewery property, we created our own kuurna (an ancient Scandinavian lauter tun) to separate the wort from the grain during brewing. The bottom of the kuurna is layered with spruce branches; the needles act as a natural filter and impart resinous oils into the wort. The hollowed-out trunk of the tree also contributes spruce essence and structure from the raw wood. The beer is made of barley & rye malts along with a sparing addition of Goschie Farms Cascade hops and is brewed just a few times per year.¨ SAHATI is in many ways the very definition of The Ale Apothecary, where complex flavors arrive from the very methods used for production¦the result is the process impacts the flavor profile at least as much as the ingredients themselves.