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Putting the “O” in “Oktoberfest”!

All month long, our very own handcrafted Black Butte Bratwurst is on special. This brat is serious… seriously. Four out of five beer wenches agree! 😉

Handmade in-house with real spices, sharp cheddar, and gobs of Deschutes Brewery’s Black Butte Porter, on a crusty roll smothered in kraut… what more could you possibly need?

Beer! Yes, you’ll need some beer, but not just any beer; you’ll need Oktoberfest Beer! How about Ayinger Oktober Fest-Märzen, or Widmer’s Okto Festival Ale. These beers are amber-colored, sweet and extremely malty. The general principle is that the flavor profile of an Oktoberfest ale is best paired with rich, though not strongly flavored pork (enter Newport’s own Black Butte Bratwurst). Oh man, I’m hungry, how about you?!


Mt. AngelIf you’re looking for a cultural experience this week, head over to Mt. Angel Thursday Spetember 12th – Sunday September 15th (just outside Salem) and hit up Oregon’s own quaint Oktoberfest celebration.

Food, music, beer, dancing, crafts, lederhosens and yodeling, basically you can’t go wrong!

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