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We Believe in Family Meals!

We Believe in Family Meals

Join Newport Avenue Market in Celebrating National Family Meals Month™ All September Long!


With the start of the school year and extracurriculars, we often struggle to get enough family time. That’s a real bummer, and one of the reasons we’re celebrating National Family Meals Month™ in September along with other grocery stores and industry partners. Our What’s for Dinner Tuesday meals will be “taken over” for the month of September with meals that feed 4 people and can be prepared as a family.

As we visit with our employee owners, it’s obvious we all eat together a bit differently, and that’s pretty cool. On the floor around the coffee table, at the dinner table, on the counter, out on the deck, or maybe a blanket on the lawn. Whatever your family looks like, we encourage you to Raise Your Mitt to Commit™ to sharing one more meal together at least once each week in September. Eat, talk, put down the phones, and step away from our busy lives. Together. That’s the point. It’s healthy for all, usually a bit better balanced, and studies have shown helps produce kiddos with better grades, not to mention just a really good check in as a family. Family. Everyone’s is different, as Mrs. Doubtfire pointed out, families look different and come with two moms or two dads or a mom or a dad or both or maybe no parents at all with aunts, uncles, grams, and papas and might just include friends you choose as family.

Who knows, you might just create a habit that you keep and make a priority. We sure hope you will and let us help you with our What’s for Dinner Tuesday meals.

Here’s to sitting down together. Life is short, eat good food…with your family!

Lauren Johnson, Leader of the Pack (vrrrooom!)/CEO & President, and all of the Newport Avenue Market Employee Owners

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