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Food by Letter – H is for Hummus

The debate over the origin of hummus is old…maybe even as old as hummus itself. The Greeks like to claim it as their own, however the Arabs are equally adamant, even the Israeli’s lay claim as the original chefs. So, who is right?

The truth is that no one really knows for sure. That being said, based on historical information, hummus likely originated from ancient Egypt. According to several historical sources, the earliest mention of hummus dates back to Egypt in the 13th century. 

What we do know is…not only is hummus crazy delicious, it’s also great for your health. Low in saturated fat and high in fiber and protein, hummus also offers complex carbohydrates to make you feel satisfied and full. 

The recipe for hummus is simple, just chickpeas, sesame paste, lemon juice and garlic, but you can make it your own with various spices and toppings.

Some of our favorites include:
Smoky sweet potato
Roasted garlic
Creamy avocado
Black Bean

P.S. It’s not just for pita! Try it smeared onto your sandwich, baked on fish, or made into a yummy dip to perk up vegetables, chips, or pretzels. Its signature bright lemon taste helps cut fats and works well with seafood, and its creamy texture means it works perfectly as a dip or spread just about anywhere!

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