High-maintenance friend? Foodie virgin?

Either way, you’ll always find something fresh at Newport Avenue Market.


Check us out for what we like to call, the “Triple G” – Groceries, Gadgets and Gifts!

It’s important that we incorporate a healthy diet, along with a healthy sense of humor, so we carry a wide range of organic options, groovy gifts, as well as a variety of everyday essentials. With everything we do, our aim is to make your visit to Newport Avenue Market a distinctive experience and exquisitely delicious!


Located on the Westside of beautiful Bend, Oregon for over 20 years, Newport Avenue Market is all about local. And what could be more local than being employee owned?! Newport Avenue Market became Central Oregon’s first employee owned grocery store in 2015! Keeping it local means we support our local neighborhoods and our local producers. Our global selection of specialty groceries is complemented by many local flavors – from artisan cheeses to fresh produce and a significant lineup of craft brews and wines.


We began this journey back in the day…

When you rode your horse to school; not really, I just always wanted to say that. However, we did hop on this wild and crazy ride during the celebration of the USA Bicentennial 1976. Along this fantastic journey, we have continued to grow and set roots down in the community of Bend, Oregon. Responding to the wide variety and discerning tastes of our local Bendites, we’ve fashioned ourselves into more than just a grocery store; it’s a local experience, finely tuned to the appetites of our customers. We’re filled to the brim with an eclectic selection of unique, specialty, and hard to find groceries coupled with your everyday market essentials. Our community defines who we are, and it is because of you we get to play with food and not get yelled at by mom.

Life is Short. Eat Good Food.

Really want to know more about us? WARNING this might be TMI!


46% of us prefer to drive, 30% put one foot in front of the other (a.k.a. backpacking) to get to our favorite camping spot, and of course, there is 24% who want room service and indoor plumbing.


Hey Bro, What up Sis:

There is a total of 110 brothers and sisters who call our employees family. Only four of our employees get whatever they want; they are the only child.


Kicking it up a Notch:

Our brothers and sisters also own this joint! Being employee owned is the awesome sauce; it helps both our business and our culture thrive.



Each one of us had a favorite memory that included spending time with our family. And, when we are not working, we are all outside soaking up Vitamin D! More than 60% of us love to float down the Deschutes River.


Fantasy Celeb Employees:

Just to name a few – Will Farrell, Lady Gaga, George Clooney, and Clint Eastwood got the most votes! Just shy of 25% of us were born in Oregon. However, we love our transplants just as much. Besides, majority rules with 75% of us getting to Oregon as fast as we could.


No Parents Allowed:

Modest Mouse, David Bowie, The Fray, The Beach Boys, Van Halen, Rolling Stones, Elton John, Elvis, Neil Diamond, The Who, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Nat King Cole, just to name a few of the first concerts attended without the parents. A few of us don’t remember, we didn’t ask them why…


Our first fight:

Get us all in a room and we can solve the world’s problems! Getting us to agree on the best flavor of Jelly Belly… not happening!


Some of us know exactly what

“rabbit ears” are, others think it is the first thing you eat off the chocolate Easter bunny.  Friends, Gilligan’s Island, I Love Lucy, MTV, Brady Bunch with a close tie to the Price is Right; hmmm, I wonder what generation we are from?


Commute Options:

We are proud to say that 13% of us (and growing) ride our bikes to work.


Turn it Up!

We love to sing in the car more than the shower. There are a select few that feel comfortable up on stage and a small number whose dog even leaves the room when they belt out a tune.


Our Favorite Movies:

Our favorite movies are … oh, wait! With so many movies to choose from, our favorites change all the time. Come see what’s available in RedBox, located just outside the front doors.

Newport Avenue Market’s Mission Statement: 

We provide our customers with a shopping experience that will exceed their expectations. It encourages them to return AND tell their friends. This enables us to get a fair return on investment AND builds a secure future for all associates.